Let's go for the 3rd round...
After the first two meetings at the lake constance & at the Steigerwald,
where we visit Leo Aumüller's Abarth collection, we go in the 3rd year to
Savigny-lès-Beaune, to take part in Michel Pont's international Abarth
meeting, which was celebrated since 1979 only every 5 years.
This time, there should be a part on a circuit (40 km from Savigny), a
touristic ride, dinner at the castle, Art expositin (Abarth) and maybe the
demo hill climb.
The meeting is between the 5th & 8th June 2014 on the castle grounds in
Savigny-lès-Beaune. The first people promised to come and I count with
many more cars.
Feel free, to contact me, and get more information about the meeting.